WSCG 2025 - Pilsen/Prague

Register here. Please, fill in all items marked with (*), including Mr. or Mrs.
Please, use ENGLISH PLAIN ASCII alphabet ONLY !

Please, fill this form VERY carefully as the registerd address will be used for ALL COMMUNICATION including sending paper documents !
  Mr.*   Mrs.*       Prof.   Dr.  
First name* : , i.e. Cornelie (Given name)
Last name* : , i.e. Smith (Family name)
Institution* :
Department* :
Address* :
ZIP* :
City* :
Country* :
E-mail* :
Fill it VERY carefully, it will be used as a user name for your LOGIN
Please, tick field(s)
of your expertise :
Rendering Techniques
GPU/Tesla/Fermi Programming
Geometric Computing
Surface Meshing, Shape Modeling
Physically Based Modeling
Image Based Modeling
Medical Visualization
Scientific Visualization
Computational Photography
High Definition Range Images
Constraint Motion, Simulation
Comp.Vision & Image Processing
Pattern Recognition
Virtual Reality & VR Interaction
Grap.Man Machine Interaction-HCI
Levels of Details (Algorithms etc.)
Application of Geometrical Algebra, Conformal Geometry
Computational Geometry
Compression for Graphics, Vision, Image Processing
Stereoscopy, Holography for Computer Graphics
3D Displays & 3D TV
Animation Techniques
Mobile & WEB Graphics
Dietary preferences : no preferences
Tel. :
Fax :

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